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What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is acquired by drawing a patient’s blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to concentrate blood platelets. It contains a lot of proteins and growth factors which usually support the body’s ability to produce collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin.

When PRP is injected into the body, it stimulates the skin’s ability to repair and restore tissue. This entirely natural treatment uses your body’s own natural processes to trigger deep and accelerated healing.


What is PRF?

Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) is the newest method to repair injuries within skin tissue. Fibrin is a biological scaffold which naturally forms in response to injury. Platelets bind to the Fibrin after an injury to activate and release growth factors. This enables the healing process by generating skin cells, collagen, and blood vessels.

Now, PRF can be isolated and injected back into the skin as well! The most important difference between PRP and PRF is the speed at which they function. While PRP releases its growth factors immediately to trigger rapid results, PRF releases its growth factors gradually. This means that PRF could sustain its benefits over a longer period of time.

Benefits of PRP and PRF for Your Skin

By improving the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin and other essential components of skin health, PRP and PRF treatments offer the following benefits to your skin:

  1. Reduce wrinkles

  2. Minimize acne scars

  3. Improve skin texture and color

  4. Rejuvenate overall complexion

  5. Restores youthful appearance

  6. Improves under eye puffiness and dark circles



Injectable PRF



Injectable platelet rich fibrin or (iPRF) uses the patient’s own blood plasma which is enriched with:

  • platelets (source of healing proteins and growth factors)

  • fibrin (the wound healing and regeneration matrix)

  • stem cells (the conductors of our body’s own healing and regenerative orchestra of healing and regeneration molecules).

Patented technology invented by Dr Joseph Choukroun in 2016, allows us to isolate various fractions from whole blood taken from the patient. This can then be injected via a very fine needle (technique used in mesotherapy) into the area(s) of concern, to activate healing and regeneration. Although this is from the patient’s own body, no area would naturally get exposure to such a potent concentration of biostimulating and regenerative cells. However, the process that is triggered is totally innate and natural.

iPRF intensifies the functioning and reproduction of cells, thus having a gentle, gradual yet long lasting and accumulative effect. As a result new fibroblasts, collagen and elastin tissues are formed, skin elasticity and complexion is improved, and the pigmentation is reduced. Its uses are not limited to skin rejuvenation.

Potential uses:

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Scarring

  • Stretch marks

  • Hair loss/thinning

  • Vaginal rejuvenation

  • Acne

  • Procedures – enhancing results and reducing downtime

  • Joint and soft tissue disorders eg tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis





TREATMENTS START AT £180 per session or a course of 4 £600


Facial rejuvenation

Body rejuvenation

Hair loss/thinning

Post hair transplant


Injectable method or via micro needling






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